Sunday, March 14, 2004

Physical Castration for Violent Criminals

Here's a simple, inexpensive solution to decrease violent crime, prison overcrowding, rape, pedophilia, predatory catholic priests and the spread of sexually transmitted disease: physical castration on the second conviction for any violent crime.

Denmark has experience with this.   The recidivism rate of castrated rapists drops to less than one percent.   see:

Some communities in America perform court-ordered chemical castration of violent convicts. Chemical castration is ridiculous - as soon as the convict stops taking the hormone shots, he's back to his old self. In addition, chemical castration is much more expensive for the government to administer and far less reliable. But, the real point is - if chemical castration is okay, why not physical castration?

One possible way to introduce physical castration is to offer early probation for convicts that agree to be castrated. This way, it's not forced on anyone and we can begin to collect data on the results. Interviews with castrated convicts might even reveal they are much happier in life after castration.

The bottom line is, physical castration will solve a lot of our crime problems and our sexually transmitted disease problems and I truly believe the violent offenders themselves will be much happier for the rest of their lives once their testicles are removed and no longer pumping aggressive testosterone into their bloodstream. And as a side benefit, they'll cure their hair loss and they won't be fathering new hereditary criminals.


Anonymous said...

An excellent idea! I particularly like the idea of pacifying violent criminals and preventing them from breeding. Even if violent behavior had zero heritability, it would be best to prevent violent criminals becoming fathers.

Anonymous said...

Let's work to get this idea into law! How can I help? I'm tired of our American children being raped and murdered, becoming prisioners in their homes because parents who want to protect their children won't let them outside yet the criminal is free to roam around the community, including attending soccer meets. If everyone would talk with their neighbors, encourage them to write to their representatives in Congress demanding physical castration of these crimes!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree! I also had this thought and found this thread by doing a search for 'castration for violent criminals'. There is no logical argument against it.

DLH said...

I don't believe physical castration could be considered cruel and unusual because we do it to animals all the time and other countries do it to people and people here in America often do it to themselves voluntarily.

DLH said...

That's why I suggested two possibilities: castration on the SECOND conviction, and/or voluntary castration in exchange for early probation. I believe either of these options is more humane than our current three strikes laws. Besides, what's the big deal? It's not like cutting off a penis or a hand. It's only cutting off testicles. I don't see how it's such a horrendous thing. I truly believe the criminals would be happier afterwards and voluntary castrations would allow us to do studies to prove or disprove my theory.

DLH said...

I should clarify: I believe we should physically castrate criminals on their second conviction for a VIOLENT offense. Castration will reduce their violent tendencies just like it calms horses and cows.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, I was raped at the age of 13 by 3 men. They had raped before and after if something had been done the first time would have been their last and other girls would have been safe

Anonymous said...

if some ppl think that physical castration is cruel, injustice and unusual then please tell me WHAT is rape of a 12 yr old girl?? Please tell me how is it to find a naked rotten body of a young innocent girl, someone's sister, someone's daughter, someone's loved one, haun? How is it? please tell me what happens to the entire families' remainder lives after finding out about their bright young girl's raped dead body??? the day there are satisfying answers to any of these questions above will be the day to question physical castration as being "cruel." by the way only either a stupid person or a rapist him self would think that physical castration is equal or greater in cruelty to any of these things mentioned above.

Anonymous said...

this is to David. I think you did a good thing by starting this disscussion web site. Hopefully, in the near future, we'll all be able to put the rape problem behind us for it is a Voluntary act and CAN BE CONTROLLED.

Anonymous said...

well let's see; a proper punishment in my view for rape should be a selection from three options given to the convicted rapist:
plan a: cut you testicles off + 10 yrs in prison.
plan b: cut your testicles AND your penis off + serve 2 yrs in jail.
or plan c: serve 20 yr in jail.
Punishment for those who have killed their rape victim should still be death by lethal injection. "eye for an eye"

Anonymous said...

actually, I was just doing a search of castration as a punishment for violent criminals. I actually am in favour of it. Physical castration significantly decreases male aggression. We neuter our pets, why not consider castration as a way of dealing with violent and aggressive behavior.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! Men who rape other men wives,sisters n daughters should loose their right to keep,maintain and service their preciously regarded testicles albeit not in a diplomatic manner but rather in a similar violent way as the rape itself. An eye for an eye. Have them physicaly broken or crushed using a nut crusher or a special priers in order to teach rapists a lesson and to stop the evil crime. If this is done, rape would just fizzle out. Its bitter but its the truth . Lets support it! Tomorrow it could be your mother, your wife or even worse,your precious little,naive but lovely daughter. Yes! Lets cartsate the criminals... With no guilt!

Anonymous said...

I think castrating the violent is a fantastic idea. I 100% support it! In fact it's an idea I've often had myself on how to deal with violent criminals.